Linux work note
- rz : 上传
- sz : 下载
- ls -lrt : 浏览当前目录所有文件,-lrt 按照时间正序排序
- grep : 搜索命令
- top : 查看服务器性能指标
- cp sourcefile targetfile :复制
- mv sourcefiile targetfile :剪切/重命名
- rm -rf
- uname -a :显示系统所有属性
- arch : 显示系统硬件架构
- last -5 : 查看成功登录用户信息,显示前5条
- lastb : 查看用户不成功登录信息,参数与上面的一样
- who : 查看已登录用户
- df :查看磁盘使用情况
- ln :创建文件链接
- du :查看文件占用空间
- find :查找文件
- locate :定位文件位置
- tar zcvf /tmp/test.tar.gz /home/temp
- head -n 5 file :显示file的前5行
- tail -10 file :显示file的尾几行
- wc file :统计文件的内容
- sort :排序
- history : 查看历史cmd
- wc print the number of newlines, words, and bytes in files
- TODO Linux File Permissions drwxrw-r– : d 目录 rwx ower读写执行 rw- group读写不能执行 r– 其他用户只读
- chmod – change file access permissions
- chown – change file owner and group
- su – change user ID or become superuser
- passwd – update a user’s authentication tokens(s)
- who – show who is logged on
- ps – report a snapshot of the current processes
- kill – to kill a process(using signal mechanism)
- ssh – SSH client (remote login program) Usage: ssh [options] [user]@hostname
- scp – secure copy (remote file copy program) Usage: scp [options] [[user]@host1:file1] [[user]@host2:file2]
- fdisk – partition manipulator eg. sudo fdisk l
- mount – mount a file system Usage: mount t type device dir
umount – unmount file systems Usage: umount [OPTIONS] dir device… - du – estimate file space usage Usage: du [OPTION]… [FILE]…
- df – report filesystem disk space usage Usage: df [OPTION]… [FILE]…
- quota – display disk usage and limits Usage: quota [OPTION]
- reboot – reboot the system Usage: reboot [OPTION]
- poweroff – power off the system Usage: poweroff [OPTION]
- bg – make a foreground process to run in background Usage: type ’ctrl+z’ and then ’bg <job id>’
- fg – to make background process as foreground process Usage: fg [jobid]
- jobs – displays the names and ids of background jobs Usage: jobs
- sed stream editor for filtering and transforming text Usage: sed [OPTION] [inputfile]… eg. sed ’s/love/hate/g’ loveletter.txt
- awk pattern scanning and processing language
- find search for files in a directory hierarchy Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern]
- locate – find or locate a file Usage: locate [OPTION]… FILE…
[root@www ~]# grep [-acinv] [--color=auto] '搜寻字符串' filename
-a :将 binary 文件以 text 文件的方式搜寻数据
-c :计算找到 '搜寻字符串' 的次数
-i :忽略大小写的不同,所以大小写视为相同
-n :顺便输出行号
-v :反向选择,亦即显示出没有 '搜寻字符串' 内容的那一行!
--color=auto :可以将找到的关键词部分加上颜色的显示喔!
# grep ‘energywise’ * #在当前目录搜索带'energywise'行的文件
# grep -r ‘energywise’ * #在当前目录及其子目录下搜索'energywise'行的文件
# grep -l -r ‘energywise’ * #在当前目录及其子目录下搜索'energywise'行的文件,但是不显示匹配的行,只显示匹配的文件
- 显示1000行到3000行
cat filename| head -n 3000 | tail -n +1000
tail -n 1000:显示最后1000行
tail -n +1000:从1000行开始显示,显示1000行以后的
head -n 1000:显示前面1000行
- 用sed命令
sed -n '5,10p' filename 这样你就可以只查看文件的第5行到第10行。